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Key features:
1. Cold stage base temperature as low as 3.2 K, continuously adjustable up to room temperature
2. Temperature stability < 0.010 K peak to peak fluctuations
3. Sample vibration stability < 5 nm peak to peak
4. Fully automated pump, cooldown, temperature stabilization, and warmup
5. Multiple optical access ports, with two windows (one cold and one warm) on each port. Ports must be easily reconfigured to replace windows, remove cold window (for shorter working distance at slightly higher temperature), or insert custom fiber-feedthroughs.
6. Continuous operation without the use of extra-instrument liquid cryogens
7. The system can be easily moved to a new optical table or optical setup
Current window materials:
VIS-NIR (400nm-1000nm) coated fused silica:

Potassium Bromide (KBr) coating: KBr has excellent transmission from 250nm – 26µm. KBr is water-soluble and its surfaces should be protected from exposure to moisture.

More detailed information can be found on the company's website.
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