On July 24, 2024 the U.S. National Science Foundation awarded the Northern Arizona University Center for Materials Interfaces in Research and Applications (¡MIRA!) and The Center for Dynamics and Control of Materials a grant through PREM, Partnerships for Research and Education in Materials, to support a collaborative research team that will increase diversity in cutting-edge materials research, education and professions.

Northern Arizona University serves over 28,000 students with underrepresented minority students making of around 40% of the student population. 

¡MIRA-PREM! cross-institutional research is organized via Focus Areas (FAs). !MIRA-PREM! FA1: New Materials for Controlled Light-Matter Interactions. Cross-institutional teams will explore 1) regulation of material optical properties through rational design; 2) light-induced emergent materials behavior, and 3) photonic response of non-equilibrium materials. Investigated systems range from quantum to macro-scales and soft/bio to solid state. FA2: ElectroResponsive Materials. Nanostructured and solid-state materials will be explored toward understanding how material interfaces drive electro-induced behavior. Proposed research efforts will result in significant advancement in the understanding of how material interfaces can be designed, controlled, or regulated toward emergent behavior in novel material systems for optical and electronic advanced technology applications including quantum information science (QIS), energy, microelectronics, sensing, and beyond.

For more information please check out the Northern Arizona University PREM Website.

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