CDCM will support education and outreach activities that (i) prepare center participants for success in a broad range of materials-related career endeavors; (ii) foster far-reaching appreciation for the broader impacts of materials science and materials-based technologies; and (iii) broaden participation at all levels of UT Austin and extended materials communities. These activities will be organized under a Materials Community of Practice, where participants at all levels, from faculty to graduate students to K-5 teachers and elementary students will foster new learnings and innovations made possible through this collaborative program of education.
University Education: The Center will prepare graduate students, undergraduate students and postdoctoral participants to contribute to and lead advances across the entire spectrum of materials-related activities. Doing so requires that we encourage students to engage in a broad range of possibilities for advancing the impact of materials on science, technology, the economy and society. The following initiatives will help CDCM achieve this goal.
Research Experiences for Undergraduates
Fusing Undergraduates with Science & Engineering
CDCM Seminar Series
Summer Schools
CDCM Postdoctoral Fellowships
Pre-College and the Public: Long-term sustainability of materials research, technology, and education enterprise requires an appreciation by society at large of the nature of materials in modern technology and society. CDCM fosters such an appreciation at the K-12 level by developing highly accessible educational materials, educating teachers in materials science and its related careers, and increasing awareness and appreciation of materials science by the public at large through the following initiatives.
Research Experiences for Teachers