Assistant Professor, Physics, UT Austin
Faculty Investigator, IRG 2
Dr. Edoardo Baldini joined UT Austin as an Assistant Professor in January 2022. His research lies at the intersection of quantum condensed matter physics and optical science and is driven by the aim to understand and manipulate complex materials and their emergent quantum phases. To tackle these challenges, Dr. Baldini is developing sensitive nanoimaging tools and nonequilibrium control schemes based on engineered laser pulses. Dr. Baldini specialized in this field during his years as a researcher at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, where he pioneered the construction of novel laser techniques for ultrafast spectroscopy and coherent control. Dr. Baldini’s discoveries have received broad coverage by international media and led him to receive numerous prizes, such as the 2019 IBM Prize in Condensed Matter Physics, the American Physical Society – 2019 Carl E. Anderson Prize in Laser Science, and the American Chemical Society – 2020 Young Investigator Award. Baldini holds a Ph.D. in Physics from EPFL (Switzerland) and has authored more than 45 publications in top scientific journals.