Graduate Research Assistant, Materials Science & Engineering, IRG 2
I am a first-year graduate student in Dr. Jianshi Zhou’s group. My main interest is to make innovations on materials with interesting properties, such as Rb2Cr8O16, using nationwide-leading multi-anvil high pressure and high temperature synthesis technique. I am also working on growing high-quality crystals with different methods including chemical vapor transport method, solution method, floating zone method and Bridgman method. In this area, I am exploring methods to grow crystals of high quality such as MnSb-CrSb series (collaborating with Li’s group) and MoSe2/WSe2 (for groups in the center). In addition, I also work on some projects to understand the relation between microstructure, especially local structure, with physical properties with diffusion neutron scattering. This includes collaboration with researchers in ORNL.