Light sourcesHigh Power Femtosecond DPSSL System CARBIDE-40WCustom Harmonic Generator HIRO (with 5th harmonic)Optical Parametric Amplifiers ORPHEUS-HP-SH-DFG OPAWhite Light GeneratorCobolt Samba 532 nm, 400 mW laserPILAS 405 nm picosecond diode laserOptical cryostat systemCryostation s100 (Fusion) Foundation (NEMA) from Montana InsAttocubeQuantum Design OptiCoolCCD camera and spectrographAndor spectrometerHorriba iHR550Light scattering systemResearch goniometer and laser light scattering systemRheometerDiscovery hybrid rheometerMicroscopeNeoSNOMZeiss PrimotechSuperconducting Nanowire Single-Photon Detection SystemIDQ 281 Other supporting equipmentZurich MFLI Lock-in AmplifierHigh performance, long-travel linear motorized stageMicroscope ObjectivesBalanced detectors, silicon detectors, position-sensing detectorPower metersGlove boxes (Reserve it!)